Семинар за симплектичку топологију, 9. април 2024.

Наредни састанак Семинара за симплектичку топологију биће одржан у уторак, 9  априла 2024, у сали 840 Математичког факултета са почетком у 16.15.

Предавач: Frol Zapolsky


Апстракт: I`ll outline the proof of the following result: given a closed connected symplectic manifold M endowed with a Borel probability measure m, there exists a symplectically embedded polydisk in M covering an arbitrarily large portion of m. I`ll then describe how this result can be used to prove that a certain elementary construction of quasi-states on symplectic manifolds of dimension at least four cannot yield a symplectic quasi-state, with the exception of some trivial cases. Joint work with Adi Dickstein.

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